Upcoming events

Board Meeting
Monthly board meeting for Tri-Cities Pride
Location held at the PFLAG of Benton and Franklin Counties office

Board Meeting
Monthly board meeting for Tri-Cities Pride
Location held at the PFLAG of Benton and Franklin Counties office

2025 Tri-Cities Pride
Join us at Memorial Park in Pasco, WA Sunday June 22nd for a free, family-friendly celebration of the LGBTQIA+ community in Tri-Cities and surrounding areas.

Board Meeting
Monthly board meeting for Tri-Cities Pride
Location held at the PFLAG of Benton and Franklin Counties office

Board Meeting
Monthly board meeting for Tri-Cities Pride
Location held at the PFLAG of Benton and Franklin Counties office

Board Meeting
Monthly board meeting for Tri-Cities Pride
This meeting will be held virtually. To join, use this link: https://meet.google.com/zqe-zzti-yja?hs=224

People's March
Sign up and see additional information on the event here: People's March Tri-Cities | People's March
Tri-Cities Pride will be hosting an informational table at the start of the event. Join us in the march to defend our rights and our future!

Board Meeting
Monthly board meeting for Tri-Cities Pride
Location held at the PFLAG of Benton and Franklin Counties office

Board Meeting
Monthly board meeting for Tri-Cities Pride
Location held at the PFLAG of Benton and Franklin Counties office

Transgender Day of Remembrance
Please join us as we celebrate and mourn the lives of our transgender brothers and sisters who lost their lives this last year. This is a time to speak up, offer a space for our transgender family, and create a space where many voices can take the stage to honor their lives by sharing their names.
As visitors read the names of individuals aloud, candles will also be lit to honor each and every person that we've lost.
We are honored to hold this space with you. You are loved, supported, and valued beyond belief!

Board Meeting
Monthly board meeting for Tri-Cities Pride
Location held at the PFLAG of Benton and Franklin Counties office

Board meeting
Monthly board meeting for Tri-Cities Pride
Location held at the PFLAG of Benton and Franklin Counties office

Rainbow Skate Night
$10 Admission
$2 for skates or blades
Rollarena, 849 Stevens Dr, Richland, WA
Pride Bowling
Come and go bowling again! 🎳 This year it's during Cosmic Bowling, so lasers YES!
Lane and shoes are 100% free. Showing up late is OK; We have all the lanes for 3 hours.
If you would like a food ticket and an arcade card, those are available as a $5 bundle athttps://pflagbf.square.site/product/food-arcade-bundle-pride-bowling-/12

2024 Tri-Cities Pride
Join us for the annual Tri-Cities Pride event held at Peanuts Park, Pasco, WA

Pride Month Karaoke
Singing your heart out on a real stage. It’s Pride month and proceeds go to Tri-Cities Pride. Event details can be found through the Emerald of Siam website here.
Pride Prom Fantasea
Join us for celebration, dancing, and socializing with the CBC’s gay-straight alliance, (Support for Queers United with Allies Making a Difference) for Pride Prom! This year’s theme is Fantasea. Costumes welcome and encouraged, but not required. This event is designed to promote awareness and acceptance of our local LGBTQIA community. It is free and open to the public. There will be a DJ, dancing, swag bags, and more!
When: Saturday, June 1 from 7 to 11pm
Where: Pasco Campus, H Bld., Gjerde Center

Pride Kickoff
Fundraiser supporting PFLAG and TC Pride
Gaming with Tri-City Area Gaming
Vinyl vibes with Dave
Fast & Curryous (12pm-4pm)
Viera's Mac & More (5-8pm)
Love Wins!

A Drag Queen Hoedown
Get ready to giddy up and sashay your way to the A Drag Queen Hoedown for a night of fabulous performances to kickoff Tri-Cities pride!
Tickets available here: A Drag Queen Hoedown Tickets, Fri, May 31, 2024 at 5:00 PM | Eventbrite
Walk and Roll: Community 3K Fundraiser
All proceeds from this event will go towards PFLAG Benton Franklin to continue education and awareness within our community.

Karaoke Fundraiser
Help raise funds for 2024 Tri-Cities Pride! Sing the night away at the Emerald of Siam with a portion of proceeds going toward this year’s Pride event.
Gays and Berets: Uptown Rainbow Connection
Theme: Self Love
Caterpillar Cafe, Richland, WA

Uptown Rainbow Connection
Every Monday
Location: Wear Love Space
248A WIlliams Blvd, Richland, WA
The group is not accompanying allies at this time. If you are looking to support the community, please reach out to UptownRainbowConnection@gmail.com

Uptown Rainbow Connection
Every Monday
Location: Wear Love Space
248A WIlliams Blvd, Richland, WA
The group is not accompanying allies at this time. If you are looking to support the community, please reach out to UptownRainbowConnection@gmail.com

PFLAG Fundraiser, Karaoke Night
A portion of the sales from this event will be donated to PFLAG Benton Franklin. PFLAG supports the local LGBTQ+ Community by hosting safe, welcoming events and providing education to the Tri-Cities at large.

Safe Social: PFLAG of Benton and Franklin Counties
Atomic Blast Arcade
624 Wellsian Way, Richland, WA